Summer In England

In 2017, Dr. Jennifer Holl launched the English Department’s Summer in England program: a 6-week at-RIC-and-abroad course in experiential Shakespeare. After two weeks of intensive Shakespeare study in the classroom, 15 undergraduate and graduate students spent 17 days in England attending live performances of the plays they read, walking in Shakespeare’s steps in Stratford-upon-Avon and London, participating in workshops with the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Globe players, and visiting English cultural and historical sites.

In 2019, the Summer in England program expanded to offer students two courses—one in Shakespeare and one in medieval literature and culture—and 23 students traveled abroad to study Shakespeare, Chaucer, Arthurian legend, and more throughout England.

In 2023 (Summer Session I), the English Department plans to offer another two-course Summer in England program that will include one Shakespeare course and one course yet to be determined. The program is open to both undergraduate and graduate students, and applications will open in Fall 2022. Contact Dr. Holl for more information.


England Sample Itinerary

Each Summer in England program has a unique itinerary, created to correspond to the classes offered. This itinerary from the 2019 Shakespeare and Medieval Literature program highlights the pace and breadth of our time abroad, as well as a number of the sites the 2023 program will also include, such as the sites and performance in Stratfordupon- Avon; a visit to Stonehenge; tours of the Globe, Westminster Abbey, and the Tower of London in London.