Dr. Soumyadeep Mukherjee

Soumyadeep Mukherjee
Department, Office, or School
  • Associate Professor


New York, USA): Sep. 2016 to Aug. 2018

研究了童年创伤经历对9/11响应者的长期健康影响,包括创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)症状的纵向变化, cognitive aging, and physical strength

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.):  Public Health; August 2016, Florida International University (Miami, Florida, USA)

Concentration: Epidemiology; Secondary courses: Biostatistics; Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 


Diploma in Public Health (DPH): 2011, 全印度卫生和公共卫生研究所(加尔各答), West Bengal, India)
Bachelor of Medicine, 外科学士(MBBS): 2007医学院, Kolkata (Kolkata, West Bengal, India)

Professional Associations

Rhode Island Public Health Association
The National Postdoctoral Association

Selected Publications

Mukherjee, S., McKinney, S., Darrow, W. (2018)一所大型拉美裔大学学生的艾滋病和与同性恋相关的耻辱. Sexuality & Culturehttp://doi.org/10.1007/s12119-018-9516-4

Clouston S, Pietrzak R, Kotov R, Richards M, Spiro A, Scott S, Deri Y, Mukherjee S, Stewart C, Bromet E, Luft B. (2017). Traumatic exposures, posttraumatic stress disorder, 以及世贸中心救援人员的认知功能. Alzheimer’s & 痴呆症:转化研究和临床干预. 3(4), 593–602. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.trci.2017.09.001. PMID: 29201993; PMCID: PMC5700827

Trepka, M. J., Mukherjee, S., Beck-Sagué, C., Maddox, L. M., Fennie, K. P., Sheehan, D. M.,  & Lieb, S. (2017). 错过了预防人类免疫缺陷病毒围产期传播的机会, Florida, 2007-2014. Southern Medical Journal110(2), 116. PMID: 28158882

Mukherjee, S., Fennie, K., Coxe, S., Madhivanan, P., Trepka, M. (2017). 美国妇女产前压力生活esball官方网与产后抑郁症之间关系的种族和民族差异:围产期抑郁症的提供者沟通是否使风险最小化? Ethnicity and Health, Jan 17: 1–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13557858.2017.1280137. PMID: 28095722

Mukherjee, S., Coxe, S., Fennie, K., Madhivanan, P., Trepka, M. 美国产前压力生活esball官方网和产后抑郁症状:州一级妇女社会经济地位指数的作用. (In press). Journal of Women’s Health, 26(3): 276-285. PMID: 27875058

Mukherjee, S., Coxe, S., Fennie, K., Madhivanan, P., Trepka, M. (2016). 美国孕妇的压力生活esball官方网经历:潜在类别分析. Women’s Health Issues, 27(1): 83-92. PMID: 27810166

Madhivanan, P., Pierre-Victor, D., Mukherjee, S., Bhoite, P., Powell, B., Jean-Baptiste, N., Clarke, R., Avent, T., Krupp, K. (2016). HPV疫苗接种和女性性抑制解除:一项系统综述. 美国预防医学杂志. 51(3):373–83. PMID: 27130864

Mukherjee, S., Trepka, M., Pierre-Victor, D., Bahelah, R., Avent, T. (2016). 美国产前抑郁的种族/民族差异:系统回顾. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 20(9): 1780–97. PMID: 27016352

+Pierre-Victor, D., Mukherjee, S., Bahelah, R., Madhivanan, P. (2014):美国11-26岁男性人乳头瘤病毒疫苗摄取:来自国家健康和营养检查调查的结果, 2011–2012. Vaccine. 32(49):6655–8. PMID: 25446825

Mukherjee, S., Pierre-Victor, D., Bahelah, R., Madhivanan, P. (2014):教养设施中孕妇的心理健康问题:系统综述. Women and Health. 54(8):816–42. PMID: 25190332

Mukherjee, S., Madhivanan, P., Li, T., Srinivas, V., Jaykrishna, P., Arun, A., Krupp, K. (2014):印度迈索尔儿童完成常规疫苗接种的相关因素. Journal of Infection and Public Health. 8(1):62–71. PMID: 25035093

Madhivanan, P., Srinivas, V., Marlow, L., Mukherjee, S., Narayanappa, D., Mysore, S., Arun, A., Krupp, K. (2014):印度父母更喜欢在女儿长大后给她们接种HPV疫苗.  亚太癌症预防杂志. 15(1), 107–110. PMID: 24528008

Mukherjee, S. (2013):比较美国成年男性和女性身体质量指数与频繁精神困扰之间的关系:来自BRFSS 2011的数据分析. Psychiatry Journal. 卷2013,文章编号230928,11页 http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/230928. PMID: 24350237 

Sadhukhan, S.K., Mukherjee, S. (2013) Women Empowerment and Health; An Experience in a Rural Community of West Bengal 国家医学及相关科学杂志 2013; 2(1):1-9 eISSN: 2319–6335 


Mukherjee, S. (2014):验证性突破:与阿尔茨海默型痴呆症患者沟通的简单技巧. Naomi Feil and Vicki de Klerk-Rubin. 巴尔的摩,马里兰州:卫生专业出版社,2012,304页,34美元.95 (paperback), ISBN: 978-1-932529-93-7. Educational Gerontology. 40 (6), 470–472 

Mukherjee, S. (2014): Doing Harder Time? 英格兰和威尔士男性监狱人口老龄化的经验. Natalie Mann. 阿什盖特出版社,2012年,141页,99美元.95 (hard cover). Educational Gerontology. 40 (11), 858–860 

Mukherjee, S. 这是我一生中唯一一次的经历,我想一次又一次地拥有它!  美国公共卫生协会学生大会,2014年特别版  


Mukherjee S, Clouston S, Bromet E, Luft B. 世贸中心(WTC)救援人员过去被欺负和创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的经历. 33rd Annual Meeting of the 国际创伤应激研究学会 2017年11月,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州[海报展示]

Mukherjee S, Clouston S, Bromet E, Luft B. 世界贸易中心(WTC)救援人员受欺负和创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的经历. 2017纽约市流行病学论坛(NYCEF, 2017年2月,纽约大学医学院[海报展示] 

Mukherjee, S., Mc. Kinney, S., Darrow, W. 一所大型西班牙裔大学学生的艾滋病和与同性恋有关的耻辱. American Public Health 协会(APHA) 2016年年会暨博览会 October-November 2016, Denver, CO [Oral presentation] 

Mukherjee, S., Coxe, S., Fennie, K., Madhivanan, P., Trepka, M. 美国孕妇的压力生活esball官方网经历:潜在类别分析. (2016). Epidemiology Congress of the Americas, 2016年6月,佛罗里达州迈阿密[海报展示]

Mukherjee, S.; Pierre-Victor, D.; Bahelah, R.; Trepka, M.J. (2014):美国产前抑郁的种族/民族差异:系统回顾. Mental Health section; 第142届APHA年会暨博览会, Nov. 15–19, 2014, New Orleans, LA. [Oral presentation] 

Pierre-Victor, D.; Mukherjee, S.; Bahelah, R.; Madhivanan, P. (2014):性传播感染预防干预的风险补偿:系统评价. Poster session 2, 流行病学研究学会第47届年会2014年6月24日至27日,西雅图,华盛顿. [Poster presentation] 

Mukherjee, S. (2013). 美国成年人的心理健康和物质使用:2011年行为风险因素监测调查分析. 全球健康和其他卫生保健学生项目 Roundtable. 第141届APHA年会暨博览会 November 2013,Boston, MA 

Mukherjee, S., Krupp, K., Srinivas, V., Jayakrishna, P., Shaheen , R., Arun, A., Bhavana Niranjakumar, B., Madhivanan, P.(2013). 印度迈索尔儿童完成常规疫苗接种的相关因素. 全球健康和其他卫生保健学生项目 Roundtable. APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition, November 2013, Boston, MA 


Women’s Health Issues (manuscript reviewer)
Reviewer for film submissions to the American Public Health Association (APHA) 2018年全球公共卫生电影节
Long Island Science & 2018工程博览会(LISEF)(行为科学评审项目)
Public Health (manuscript reviewer)
Scientific Reports (manuscript reviewer)
Archives of Women's Mental Health (manuscript reviewer)
BMC Pediatrics (manuscript reviewer) 
Journal of Affective Diseases (manuscript reviewer)                                                                           
Psychiatry Research (manuscript reviewer)
Women & Health (manuscript reviewer)
Maternal and Child Health Journal (manuscript reviewer)
美国公共卫生协会(APHA) -学生大会(摘要审稿人)



HPE 307:疾病的动力学和决定因素
HPE 419: Practicum in Community Health
HPE 500:健康教育和健康促进导论


Awards, scholarships, and honors

Winner in the written category in The Flame ChallengeTM 2018; a competition started by Alan
佛罗里达国际大学(FIU)论文年度奖学金(DYF): 2016年夏季
University-Wide Scholarship, FIU, 2016
入选第二届研究生院整合学习体验(AGILE), University Graduate School, FIU, 2014.

Research Interests




健康差异研究(包括基于种族/族裔的差异), sexual orientation, gender)

Stigmatization and health



Research Support & Funding Received/Applied For

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Mukherjee PI; applied for): submitted proposal under the “pioneering ideas” category in October 2017 proposing a study on the 世贸中心响应者配偶/亲密伴侣的心理健康, 他们亲密伴侣关系的质量, and level of cytokines in blood

NIH Director’s Early Independence Award (Mukherjee PI; applied for): submitted in August 2017; one of two finalists from Stony Brook University (SBU) 世贸中心人员配偶的心理健康与关系质量 回应者:伙伴关系动态的纵向研究

R01AG058595-01 (Clouston PI; Mukherjee Co-I; applied for) Social inequalities and the 阿尔茨海默病的发病病理:种族/民族的作用,认知储备,和
occupational complexity. Received an impact score of 43; 35 percentile

R01 AG049953 (Clouston PI; Mukherjee Co-I) 05/15/15-01/31/20 6.0 Calendar 
整合创伤和认知老化的生命历程方法:9/11队列 responders Examining risk of cognitive limitations and of longitudinal declines in cognitive functioning among WTC responders in relation to PTSD; examining whether childhood adversities can explain these associations

P01 AG 043362, NIA (Clouston Stony Brook PI; Mukherjee Co-I) 07/01/13-06/30/18 6.0 Calendar 老龄化纵向研究的综合分析 认知老化的社会决定因素的作用研究, 检查环境在减缓或加速衰老中的作用, 并发展理解世界各地复制工作的可变性的方法   


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